The "Angels on Ice" Christmas Tournament is a beloved tradition hosted by the Langley Girls Ice Hockey Association (LGIHA). Held during the festive season, this tournament brings together teams from across the region to celebrate sport, camaraderie, and the joy of the season.
This multi-day event features games across various age groups and skill levels, from house leagues to rep teams. Each participating team is guaranteed several games, providing a valuable opportunity for players to put their skills to the test in a competitive setting while also enjoying the spirit of the season.
But "Angels on Ice" is more than just a tournament; it's a festive event woven into the fabric of LGIHA's culture. The tournament is steeped in holiday cheer, with ice rinks adorned with festive decorations, special holiday-themed activities, and even surprise visits from holiday characters. It's an event that our players look forward to each year for hockey and the fun and festive atmosphere.
Moreover, the "Angels on Ice" Christmas Tournament is also imbued with a spirit of giving. In line with the season's sentiment, participants, families, and spectators are encouraged to contribute to charitable causes that LGIHA supports. In previous years, this has included food drives, toy drives, and fundraisers for local charities.
The "Angels on Ice" Christmas Tournament encapsulates what LGIHA is all about - fostering a love for ice hockey, promoting sportsmanship, building community, and contributing positively to society. Whether you're a player on the ice, a supportive parent in the stands, or a volunteer helping run the event, everyone has a part to play in making "Angels on Ice" a special event on the LGIHA calendar.
Fundraising is critical to the Langley Girls Ice Hockey Association's (LGIHA) operation, enabling us to provide quality ice hockey programs while fostering community engagement and shared values. Our key fundraising initiatives include the "Community Values" program and the "Gift Basket Raffle."
Community Values: The Community Values booklet is a unique fundraising approach to strengthen the bonds between LGIHA, its members, and the broader community. LGIHA sells these "Community Values" books to individuals in our community, with all proceeds going back into supporting our programs. This initiative provides valuable resources to our members, supports local businesses, and fosters a sense of community spirit and shared values.
Gift Basket Raffle: A much-anticipated event on the LGIHA calendar, the Gift Basket Raffle brings together the entire LGIHA community for an exciting fundraising drive. Members contribute items following a specific theme for each basket, then beautifully assembled and raffled off. The raffle proceeds directly support LGIHA’s programs and initiatives. It’s an exciting way for our community to contribute to LGIHA while having the opportunity to win fantastic prizes. This event promotes engagement within our community and underlines our shared commitment to nurturing girls' ice hockey.
These fundraising events and other initiatives throughout the year ensure that LGIHA can continue providing a vibrant and supportive environment for girls to play, learn, and grow through ice hockey. These initiatives underscore our dedication to building a supportive community around shared values and goals.